This year, Fly Circus and Aerial Arts sold "Mini-Photo shoots" as part of their post-Thanksgiving Black Friday deals. These photo shoots will be held in the Fly studio on Sunday, January 21st and are 15 minutes long per person. The photo shoot includes: 1 outfit, 1 apparatus, and as many poses a person can fit in those 15 minutes. However, if longer photo sessions are needed, know that two-hour long photo shoots can be booked at any time throughout the year at Fly Circus and Aerial Arts.
With this, throughout the year, I share many photo shoot tips, especially from my own experiences. A few years ago, I came across an article/blog from aerialists Brett Womack & Rachel Bowman (Owners of "The Loft" aerial studio located in Los Angeles, California) that shares exactly what will help create a successful aerial photo shoot. Here is what they had to say:
It’s officially happening! You have booked your first aerial photoshoot. Woohoo!
Whether you are working with a professional photographer and performance grade lighting or your husband's iPhone and an Amazon Ring Light, your success (and awesome pics) will be ensured if you follow a few simple rules.
1. Commit to a Theme (or 2)
Successful photoshoots almost always have a ‘theme.’ This can be anything from ‘Vintage- Circus’ to ‘Superhero’ to ‘Haute Couture’ to ‘Check-out-me-doing-aerial-in-my jeans’ casual and ANYTHING in between. There are no right or wrong themes, just be sure to have one. You can use the location of your shoot for inspiration or a particular costume or any idea you or the photographer are interested in exploring. Once you have a theme in mind, commit to it with your costuming, make up, lighting (where possible) as well as your apparatus and movement style.
2. Invest in Costumes and Make Up
Spend time determining the costume you will wear for your photoshoot. It doesn’t need to be expensive, you can find fabulous pieces (dresses, pants, leotards, lingerie) at thrift stores and ‘bedazzle them’ by glueing on rhinestones or feathers etc. You may be able to rent/borrow/trade costumes from other aerialists. Having a few costume options is always a good idea, to get a few different ‘looks’ and in case something isn’t working how you hoped.If you are able to hire a Makeup Artist, go for it! If not, study makeup looks that you like on Youtube, Instagram etc and practice at home until you feel comfortable. Much can be achieved with a dramatic false eye lash and some glitter!
3. Pick Poses Before (if possible)
‘Rehearse’ for your photo shoot like you would for a performance. Plan out the shapes, entrances/exits you would like to get pictures of. If you are stuck for ideas, researching on Pinterest is a great place to start. During your shoot, as you get into each pose, try to really perform every movement. Sometimes the best and most interesting pictures come from an unexpected transition, wrap or maneuver.
4. Utilize Music and Intention
Where possible, play inspirational music during your photo shoot that is in line with your theme. This will really help you get into the ‘character’ or express the intention that you are looking to portray. If your theme is Vintage Circus for example, you might want music that has an old-timey feeling or for a modern circus style (7 Fingers vibe) you might want some more contemporary electronica or even rock.
5. Perform
And the final rule for a successful photo shoot? Perform, perform, perform. Commit 100% to your theme, your movement, your intention, and character. If you are confident in your choices and OWN your presence in front of the camera (think Tyra Banks + aerial!) you will NAIL your aerial photoshoot!Now, will every picture be a winner? Absolutely not! We all have those awkward photos where our foot was sickled, our knee bent awkwardly, or our face is squished into the hoop but follow these rules and you will be sure to come away with A LOT of gorgeous pics! And all you need is 4 or maybe 5 FABULOUS photographs for a really successful aerial photoshoot.
All our best,
Brett and Rachel
Hope these tips work for you and be sure to check out the photoshoots page at Fly Circus and Aerial Arts
Written by: Alicia Schroder