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Navigating the Waters of 2020

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

COVID19: the virus that literally brought 2020 to a grinding halt. We here at Fly wanted to take a moment to talk about this. This virus, and this year has left us on a roller-coaster of experiences and emotions. We started the year with a great team, a great tribe of students and a truly special family. Most recently, we began expanding our Green Bay studio and were excited to start offering more classes… But, I think we all know what happened next.

Our instructors and management team have spent countless hours talking about COVID19 and how best to proceed as a studio. We’ve followed CDC guidelines, we consulted articles and researched this virus. Some of us initially thought that there may be a collective overreaction but quickly learned how serious this virus can be. These are unprecedented times and we believe that the best way to proceed is with an abundance of caution.

As students or followers, you may have noticed that our instructors aren’t in the studios. They are teaching classes from their living rooms, home office, and makeshift gyms and doing everything they can to provide fun and effective workouts while staying safe. Above all else, we feel it necessary to put the health of our Fly family first. We want to provide a little insight into why you haven’t seen us in the studio. While there is still little known about this virus, there has been a lot of research to support that it can live on metal surfaces such as stainless steel for a week or more. While we absolutely regularly disinfect and plan to do a deep clean post safer at home, we simply felt that it was safer to close our studio completely and not take any risk. 

Additionally, we felt that as per the safer at home order, instructors going to the studio to stream or record a class they could do from the safety of their own home was not essential and absolutely not worth the risk. The Fly family is simply too important, and if you are doing our workouts in your living room then we will too! We hope that our students are truly loving their workouts! And if you are reading this and aren’t a student, we hope that you’ll join us. Maybe you have felt nervous to try aerial, we’re writing classes that will have you prepped and ready! 

Trust us when we say, we are doing everything we can to weather this storm right along with you and truly hope to come out stronger than ever before. Our plans haven’t changed, Fly will reopen and continue to grow our class offerings. We can’t wait to see you all soon! Stay safe and stay healthy!

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